Wescam mx-15i manual
WESCAM's MX-15. Fully Digital. High Definition. A Multi-Sensor, Multi-Spectral Imaging System in a single LRU configuration. L3Harris' WESCAM MX-15 - the ideal electro-optical and infrared surveillance solution for medium-altitude covert Intelligence MX-15 MX-15D MX-RSTA MX-10MS. WESCAM's EO/IR/Laser Systems. Rock solid flight proven. MX-15D. pAyloAD SpECiFiCAtionS - SELECT UP TO 10 IMAGING & LASER SENSORS SyStEM SpECiFiCAtionS. Help & manuals. MX-15D - Wescam. Read. Rock solid. Flight proven. Flight proven. MX-15D. Payload specifications - select up to 10 imaging & laser sensors. Die WESCAM MX-15 Serie ist die erste Wahl fur mittlere Flughohen Typische Flughohe bis 15000 Fu? ca. 4500 m Abmessungen: 394 mm Durchmesser 482 mm Hohe 45,5 k WESCAM MX-15. Mehr Ansichten. FEATURES & BENEFITS: MX-15D. Multi-Sensor Imaging/Lasing Payload Options • Supports up to 9 payload items simultaneously • HD thermal, HD daylight and HD low-light cameras provide 24/7 imaging • Continuous MX-GCS. WESCAM's EO/IR/Laser Systems. Rock solid flight proven. Wescam mx series manual - BeBoua. WESCAM has a policy of continuous product improvement. Specification are therefore subject to change without MX-10 MX-15Di. For today's warfighter and homeland protectors, L-3 WESCAM continually reinvests. Paravion has developed a line of mounts Mx 15i manual dexterity READ ONLINE wescam mx 10mx 15 wescam. mx 10 l3 wescam. 4 Mar 2019 L3 WESCAM announced today the launch of its In- Flight training of aviation training platforms for MXTM- Series airborne electro-optical and levels of skill and experience with conventional flight Containing up to 6 sensors simultaneously, the WESCAM MX-15 is a perfect high-performing match for AIMS-ISR to conquer today's multi-role operations. When integrated with AIMS-ISR, the WESCAM MX-15 unlocks uncompromised medium-altitude for Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR) WESCAM's MX-20 and MX-20D. Fully Digital. High Definition. • MX-Series Product Video. wescam.com. Previous Description, MX-20HD/20D. L3 WESCAM MX-15D. An Extreme Multi-Sensor, Multi-Spectral Targeting System. According to WESCAM, the MX-Series has been engineered to focus on the three factors that drive Maximum Range: resolution, magnification and stabilisation.
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